A Brief History of Surveying Equipment | Corona, CA

In order to visualize a future, we need to learn about our past. And it’s quite fascinating to see how far we’ve come when it comes to using tools in order to get things done. Since ancient civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt and Rome, man has used tools to measure and designate boundaries. These tools disappeared in the Middle Ages, but gained more speed during the Renaissance to survey and parcel the land around them.

In its earliest forms, one of the main tools for conducting land surveys was a chain pulled taut, and attempts were made to hold the measure level in order to improve accuracy.

Then came the introduction of the surveyor’s compass and theodolite. The surveyor’s compass, or circumferentor, consisted of a brass circle and an index; on the circle was a compass used to measure horizontal angles. A theodolite could measure both horizontal and vertical angles. Because of the greater accuracy, the theodolite was the preferred tool for surveyors throughout Europe by the early 1800s.

More recently, modern electronics have improved on the theodolite with the addition of an electronic distance measurement device, or EDM; these tools are referred to as total stations.

As GPS gains widespread use, they soon entered the arena of land surveying and many surveyors will still rely on their total stations in conjunction with other equipment such as laser scanners.

While the technology used by land surveyors has been changing and moving forward, even the most advanced technology can only do so much. Land surveying is an artform that technology can’t replace.

To find out more about the history of surveying equipment, please contact us at (800) CALVADA or visit www.calvada.com.

Calvada proudly serves Corona and all surrounding areas.

Why Land Surveying Is Important | Corona, CA

When new land is being divided into various developments, it is important to have the land surveyed in order to ensure the land is used beneficially. Not only do surveys help plot out the land but surveyors are used in the design and planning of said land to make room for things like roads, utilities and landscaping. It may seem to many that surveying land is a fairly new concept, but it is one of the oldest professions the world has ever known. Land surveys have dated back thousands of years to Egyptian surveyors dividing land along the Nile River and Australian surveyors trying to design their early settlements. Even famous explorers like Burke and Wills used their surveying background in their work. Yes, it may seem like a new-found industry, but we’ve needed land surveying for as long as we’ve had land to develop.

But why are they so intricate to creating our structures? Believe it or not, but it isn’t just about plotting open spaces to place buildings and other structures upon. Surveyors work with lots of other important industries like engineering, geology, architecture and planning in order to create a successful construction site. They measure the land and map it all out before anyone even steps foot on the site. These findings are given to the architects, who create a blueprint based on the needs of the client. Once complete, engineers use those plans to create a structure that will be successful based on the land available. So, as you can see, land surveys are the environmental trackers of structural design.

To find out more about land surveys, please contact us at (800) CALVADA or visit www.calvada.com.

Calvada proudly serves Corona and all surrounding areas.